Private Swimming Lesson For Children

The Benefits of Private Swimming Lessons

Are you considering swimming lessons for your child and want them to get the most out of their lessons while becoming a very capable swimmer?  While there are several ways that your child could learn to swim, from lessons at home, learning from friends or group swim lessons at a local pool, the best way for them to become an accomplished swimmer is to sign them up for private swimming lessons. Why private lessons over group swim lessons? Aren’t they all the same? The answer is no, and we are going to explain why.

Private Swimming Lessons Advantages

Private swimming lessons have many advantages over group lessons and they produce a much better swimmer in less time. With private swimming lessons, your child will receive one-on-one personalised attention that can help them overcome their fear of the water and teach them some basic water safety tips that will help you feel better about them being around water. Private swimming lessons are also tailored to your child’s needs and will help them become better swimmers regardless of their skill level. If your child is more advanced than most, private lessons will help him or her become better swimmers in less time than with a group class which will make them wait for less skilled swimmers to catch up.

IMG_6884 The Benefits of Private Swimming Lessons


Personalised Attention

The personalised attention they receive in private lessons will also help their technique improve dramatically as the instructor can focus on them and give them the tips and advice the need. Another advantage of private/semi-private swimming lessons is that your child is safer. In group swimming classes, there is usually one instructor for up to 8 children or more whereas a private class offers a one-to-one ratio and semi-private swimming classes are usually one or two instructors for up to 4 students.

What does all of this mean for your child? It means that they can see their results and this will build the confidence they need to improve their technique and enjoy swimming.

While we are on the topic of your child seeing their results, Surrey Dolphins Swim Academy offers video recording of your child’s swimming lessons so they can actually see their progress and see how well their technique in the water really is. They will be able to see and correct any mistakes they are making and become a better swimmer. SDSA’s private/semi-private swimming lessons are held in a clean, warm private pool and are taught by patient swim coaches who are focused on creating an inviting learning environment that your child will be excited to attend every week.

For more information on Surrey Dolphins Swim Academy, contact us and schedule your child’s private/semi-private swimming lessons today.