Member Of The Staff Filming The Official Performance With A Gopr

The Benefits of Video Recording Your Child’s Swim Lessons

Surrey Dolphins Swim Academy believes that video recording of swim lessons can help the student learn faster and become a much stronger swimmer. There are many benefits to video recording your child’s swim lessons and we have decided to share them here with you today and show you that video recording can be an important tool in your child’s learning.


Video recording provides instant feedback that the student can use to see their mistakes and correct them. If they are weak in one area, they can see that weakness and find ways to improve it.


Video recording also enables you and your child to track their progress. If you video record their lessons over a period of time, they can see how well their skills have developed and how much they have learned. This can serve as motivation for them to learn new skills both in and out of the water. They will see how far they have come and realise that they can do anything they set their minds to.

Form and Bad Habits 

If your child has bad form or some bad habits, they can see them better than they can hear you talk about them. If you show them on the video recording where they need to improve, they will be able to correct their form and break those habits.

Regularly providing your child with video analysis of their swim lessons can provide a wide range of benefits from improving their form to preventing injury. Surrey Dolphins Swim Academy offers video recording for all our students enabling them to become stronger swimmers in less time.