Entries by Slawek

Benefits of Competitive Swimming

We are all aware of just how good swimming is but what are the real benefits of competitive swimming? It is low impact While competing will mean that you put in more effort than your leisurely swimmer, it is still a low impact exercise. Therefore, not only will you benefit from pushing yourself, you will […]


In the UK, we are blessed with beautiful countryside and stunning outdoor space that is there for us to use. When it comes to swimming, many of us might think that we have to use our local leisure centres or lidos but that is not strictly true. We are an island that is not only […]

The Top 5 Swimming Fins

If you want to enhance your training and become more efficient in the water then training fins are perfect. However, there are many out there to choose from but understanding which ones are right for you can prove difficult. To determine which ones are right for you, you might need to speak with your swimming […]


With summer getting into full swing, time spent outdoors is an absolute must. When the sun shines in the UK, we have to take complete advantage of it. It makes us feel good and for some reason, when the weather is hot we tend to look for the best ways to keep us cool and […]

Benefits of open water swimming

There is no doubt that Open Water swimming is exciting and fun but with it comes a wide range of benefits to your health. These benefits can enhance your wellbeing and make you feel great. Improves your immune system There have been many studies carried out on open water swimming and it has been found […]

Do children receive enough swimming time?

We all know just how crucial swimming is to both children and adults. Having access to the right facilities enables people to take advantage of being able to take part in an exercise that comes with many different benefits but is there more to it than this?  From a young age, we are all told […]

Top 5 swimming toys for children

With summer fast approaching and more time spent outdoors, it is time to consider the best swimming toys that are available for children. We all know that children can spend hours in the pool, whether that is during a summer holiday under the blazing sun or in an indoor pool at home. Whatever it might […]

UV Protection Swimwear for Your Child

Spending time in the sun is what summer is all about. We love to head off on holiday to exotic locations where the sun shines from morning until night but if the weather is good in the UK, we like to take advantage of it by spending time at the beach. Whatever you decide to […]

Top 5 MP3 players for swimming

As with any form of exercise, having something to inspire you and make you work harder can make the world of difference. Many people love to listen to their favourite music when it comes to training because it gives them something to focus on but also helps them to feel good. For decades, swimmers always […]

Best drills for front crawl breathing

For many, the front crawl can prove to be a swimming stroke that is difficult for them to master. It might require perseverance and patience to get it right as well as the correct progressive swimming drills but this will enable you to learn the correct breathing technique to master this stroke. Drill No. 1 […]